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JA BizTown® Fort Wayne Simulation

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Interested in registering your class for JA BizTown? Registration requests can be submitted HERE.

JA BizTown engages students in the role of workers and consumers in a series of classroom lessons that culminate in a day-long visit to JA BizTown, a fully-interactive simulated town. Through daily lessons, hands-on activities, and active participation in the simulated community, students develop successful participation in a worldwide economy.
Students learn about communities, the economy, free enterprise, taxes, and philanthropy. They delve into personal finances: how to write checks, use a debit card, keep a registry, make a deposit, and open a savings account. They explore work skills, teamwork, and job applications. Finally, in preparation for their visit to JA BizTown, students explore business management, including costs, pricing, advertising, and ethics.
At JA BizTown, students work individually and in teams to create business success. They also think from two perspectives: that of the consumer and that of the business person. As consumers, they receive a paycheck and a checkbook, and they handle JA BizTown cash and learn to make good decisions with their money. As business people, they are responsible for managing staff, working as a team, accounting for business expenses, and juggling their professional and personal responsibilities. Within each of the businesses in the town, they build a new understanding of work and careers. 
JA USA provides digital access to many curriculum materials via the JA Learning Platform. Teachers will be provided login credentials after they complete training. You can find the JA Learning Platform at this link:
If you are interested in being a JA BizTown volunteer, please contact Victoria Etchison at (260) 484-2543.
JA BizTown
550 E Wallen Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46825

Virtual Tour

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View JA BizTown Fort Wayne - Educator Resources About JA BizTown Fort Wayne - Educator Resources

View Volunteer Registration & Orientation About Volunteer Registration & Orientation

JA BizTown

For more information about the JA BizTown program, visit the JA BizTown program page.

Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana - JA BizTown®

Welcome to JA BizTown

Related Events

JA BizTown® Homeschool Day 2

When: Tuesday, 08 Apr 2025
Where: Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana
Time: 9:00 AM EST

JA BizTown is a site-based, elementary school program. It combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to JA BizTown. It is a fully interactive, true-to-life, simulated town where students learn the fundamental relationship between academics and life beyond school.


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