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JA Here to Career®

Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana has developed a web-based career exploration tool that will expose middle, high school, and college students in our region to hundreds of career pathways.

Over 34,000 students from our region utilize this website annually in the classroom and at home.

Students investigate hundreds of careers, including local income levels, education/training requirements and costs, and who’s hiring.

Companies interested in being a featured employer in the JA Here to Career online resource can do so for $600 annually. Your company logo, a customized brief description of your company, a link to your website, and available company hiring videos will be connected to your "most hired for" careers.

Click here for the online sponsorship form to become a featured employer today!

Explore JA Here to Career

JA Finance Park Advanced

For more information about the JA Finance Park Advanced program, visit the JA Finance Park Advanced program page.

JA Career Success

For more information about the JA Career Success program, visit the JA Career Success program page.

JA Career Exploration Fair

For more information about the JA Career Exploration Fair program, visit the JA Career Exploration Fair program page.

JA Career Speakers Series

For more information about the JA Career Speakers Series program, visit the JA Career Speakers Series program page.

JA Economics for Success 2.0

For more information about the JA Economics for Success 2.0 program, visit the JA Economics for Success 2.0 program page.

JA It's My Job (Soft Skills)

For more information about the JA It's My Job (Soft Skills) program, visit the JA It's My Job (Soft Skills) program page.

JA Job Shadow

For more information about the JA Job Shadow program, visit the JA Job Shadow program page.

JA JobSpark

For more information about the JA JobSpark program, visit the JA JobSpark program page.


For more information about the 3DE program, visit the 3DE program page.

JA Finance Park (Entry Level)

For more information about the JA Finance Park (Entry Level) program, visit the JA Finance Park (Entry Level) program page.

JA Finance Park (Virtual)

For more information about the JA Finance Park (Virtual) program, visit the JA Finance Park (Virtual) program page.

Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, Inc..

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