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This Third Grader Gets It. And So Do You.

JA Mission Moment - April 2022

Aylinn, third grade student, Fort Wayne Community Schools

Image caption: Aylinn, third grade student, Fort Wayne Community Schools

I love JA and want it again and again and again! It is so useful for kids -especially high schoolers because they'll be adults soon and need to know how to spend money well. Life is tough and that's important.

- Aylinn, third grade student, Fort Wayne Community Schools

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Allen County's day of giving is an opportunity to unite our community around causes in which we truly believe and help nonprofit organizations connect to the larger community.

Junior Achievement needs your help! Please join our campaign and help us reach our goal of $3,000 and 100 donors! It takes $25 for a student to have JA programs for a year, can you be the change they need?

On April 21st, starting at 7 am, visit and make a donation to us and/or to any of the great participating nonprofit organizations in Allen County. All giving will end at 7 PM on April 21, so make sure to get your gift in on time!

Please tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference. If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know, contact Danielle Tuck at 260-484-2543 or Thank you in advance for being a part of the change in our community!

At Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, our goal is to give more kids each year access to the financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurial skills that can change their life. These programs are delivered by volunteers, funded by donors like you, and free to both students and schools.

Like the JA Facebook event to save the date for April 21!


Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, Inc..

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