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Make An Impact with Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana


Make An Impact

Be the change today to change their tomorrow image

Image caption: How will you impact the lives of students in our community?

At Junior Achievement you can make an impact – your way.

Volunteer. Sponsor. Share. Play. Partner.

The choice is yours and the life-changing outcome is theirs! Young people who are empowered to build better futures as entrepreneurs, work-ready employees, financially wise adults.

Volunteering can mean anything from a few half-hour visits in an elementary classroom to a sequence of middle and high school programs. Everything’s provided, so you can focus on helping students explore money, careers, business ethics, world economies, and entrepreneurship.

Or you can inspire them by talking about your work experiences during our JA Career Speakers Series.

Maybe you’d like to invest time at JA BizTown® or JA Finance Park®. Energy fills these specially-built spaces as students run the town and its businesses, or create budgets they can live within.

Sponsorships allow your company to give financial support with visible name recognition. Invest in scholarships for a program, grade, or school. Put an ad in the JA Career Exploration Guide. Promote your business in the JA Digital Career Book.

How about sharing your expertise with young people during our JA JobSpark Career Expo. Share hands-on activities and talk about your field of work. You’ll build your future workforce, and they’ll build excitement about the opportunities.

We invite you to play with JA throughout the year, too. Bowl with us at the Play4JA bowl-a-thon. Pledge to the 100-hole Golf Marathon or get 18-holes in during our Golf Classic. JA Purse-ology offers fun competition, and the JA Wine & Beer Festival is the fun summer social event you can invite all your friends or colleagues to. Each one of our events includes multiple sponsorship opportunities, as well.

Of course, there are limitless other ways to partner with JA. Support JA Young Entrepreneur Marketplace or Summer Camp. Collaborate to honor business leaders and showcase young entrepreneurs. Have another idea? Tell us about it!

When you offer JA your valuable time, money, and company name, your investment multiplies. That’s because whatever and however you give, you’re making life-changing entrepreneurial, workplace readiness, and financial literacy experiences available for students in your community.

Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana, Inc..

Donate Volunteer Request A Program

Any questions? Contact us!

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