JA In A Day (JAID): Homeschool Edition
Author: The Waynedale News
Financial Literacy
Friday, 25 Mar 2022

Image caption: JAID homeschool students learn about the value of free enterprise and learn the work-builds-reward fundamentals important to improving the quality of their lives.
On Tuesday, March 15th, homeschool students, community volunteers, and parent educators gathered to make donuts in a production line, construct cities, design fast food franchises, and develop ideas for products and businesses. This specialized JA In A Day event for members of the Homeschool Community in Allen County and the surrounding counties was hosted at the Indiana Tech Campus in downtown Fort Wayne (1600 E. Washington Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46803). The hands-on learning began at 9:00 a.m. and continued until 1:15 p.m.
Through grade-specific JA activities, 200 Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade students discovered the value of the free enterprise system and learn the work-builds-reward fundamentals important to improving the quality of their lives.
“In continuing our partnership with homeschooling families, this JA In A Day event offers the unique opportunity for Junior Achievement volunteers and parent educators to collaborate in building a foundation of financial literacy for their children,” says Lena Yarian, President, Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana.
Serving more than 142,000 pre-kindergarten through high school students in 29 northern Indiana and Michiana counties each year, Junior Achievement is dedicated to educating and inspiring young people to succeed in a global economy. Partnering with more than 3,300 educators and 5,500 positive adult role models who volunteer their time, JA BizTown, JA Finance Park, and JA’s in-school economic education programs focus on three key content areas: work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. These experiences empower young people to own their future economic success.
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