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Junior Achievement Financial Literacy for Indiana

In response to the new requirement that high school students in Indiana must successfully finish a financial literacy course before graduation, Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana has developed a course that meets all state requirements for this legislative bill.

The JA Financial Literacy course for Indiana offers invaluable support to educators by providing comprehensive resources and interactive materials designed to teach financial literacy in an engaging and practical way. The course is designed to equip educators with ready-to-use curriculum materials, hands-on budgeting simulation, and real-world project scenarios, making it easier for them to deliver impactful lessons on financial concepts.

By leveraging Junior Achievement resources, educators can enhance their students' understanding of financial literacy, helping to build a strong foundation for financial responsibility and decision-making.

Course Overview

JA Financial Literacy, is a one-semester teacher-led course that equips high school students with foundational personal finance skills. These concepts include how to earn and save money; how to manage money by being a wise consumer and creating and using a budget; how to manage bank accounts, investments, and credit; how to assess risks and use insurance; and how to address financial problems like identity theft and debt.

Theme One: Careers & Budgeting
Theme Two: Financial Decision Making
Theme Three: Planning For The Future

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Reach out to Karen Cooper for more information.

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JA Financial Literacy for Indiana

For more information about the JA Financial Literacy for Indiana program, visit the JA Financial Literacy for Indiana program page.

Junior Achievement of Northern Indiana Financial Literacy Programming

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